Friday, July 16, 2010

Singing for Relief Society; More TRC experiences

Wow..can you believe that it is already Friday again? The weeks are definitely flying's hard to believe that it's already been a month since you dropped me off at the MTC! Has time been going just as fast for you at home? It sounds like you're all staying busy with a lot of wonderful summer things :) I loooved all the pictures you sent last week from the Smith Family Reunion! I was just showing them all to Sister Robson....I love you all so much :D

I didn't have time for them all to download last I just barely saw the picture of the Freedom Festival 5K. I didn't know that you all ran the 5K!! How was it?? It looks like it was sooo fun! I'm going to run it with you in keep running!

This week was a super fun week at the MTC! I didn't realize that being a missionary was going to be so much fun...I knew that I would like it, but I thought it would be more work than fun :) And it is work...well, at least a lot of studying...but it's the kind of work that just makes you super happy inside all of the time! It also helps that I'm surrounded by so many wonderful friends. Sister Robson and I have so much fun, and the 3 other sisters in my room are so great! It feels like a party ever night...right up until 10:30 of course :)

Speaking of Sister Robson, guess what! She and I got to perfom a musical number last Sunday in the MTC auditorium! On the beautiful piano on the big screen in front of everyone! front of all the sister missionaries at least, since we were performing in Relief Society :) She sang "I Feel My Savior's Love" and I accompanied her on the piano. It was very pretty I thought! We're working on another song, "I Stand All Amazed", right now...but it's a harder piano accompaniment,so I'll need a week or so of practice before we're ready to audition. You will all have to go onto YouTube next week and type in "I Feel My Savior's Love - O Amor do Salvador" to look for it! I think Sister Robson's sister is going to put it up next week sometime :)

I'm also beginning to be really good friends with some of the senior missionaries here...they are really some of my favorite people here. They are all so sweet and loving and it's amazing to me how humble and willing they are to serve the Lord and do whatever he asks them to do. There are two couples we see all the time! They're both going to Brazil too and have been delayed for a month now waiting for their visas! I think they're getting very anxious to go :) It's fun having them here though. Elder Hepworth is always telling us cool stories about his first mission to Brazil, what life is like in Porto Alegre and Florianopolis (Sis. Robson's mission) and Sister Hepworth likes to look up things for us on the internet that we're wanting to know....haha, the senior missionaries get special privileges here!

Portuguese is going wonderfully for me! I'm really starting to feel very comfortable and I think I'm using less and less Spanish words....haha. I'm really glad that I decided to learn Spanish 2 years's making it so much easier.

My favorite part of the MTC is still the TRC where we get to teach "investigators" each Thursday. Every time we go I can feel the Spirit so strong....especially when I share my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Atonement. It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to tell someone that God loves them and knows them. We're switching over this week from english to teach completely in Portuguese. I'm very excited!
Yesterday was especially fun at the TRC, because I got a chance to be the investigator!

Elder Dantas is from Sao Paulo and he just got here last week and he doesn't speak much English at all. He's going to Japan so eventually he'll teach in Japanese, but for the first 4 weeks they like to focus more on the teaching, so we teach in our native language. Last week he tried teaching in English with his companion, but it was very hard for this week they decided to let him teach in Portuguese so he'd be able to get more out of it. So Sister Robson and I got to be the investigators for him and his companion! Elder Dantas taught me in Portuguese and his companion taught Sister Robson in English! It was very fun and I really liked being able to talk with a native Brazilian! He talked faaaaast...and his accent was so pretty. I can't wait to be in Brazil! Woot!

Well I love you all! Stay happy and safe and remember that Heavenly Father loves you! Thank you for being the best family ever and for always making me feel loved! That's what families are help each other and build each other up with love and support and our testimonies! You all do that for me! I love you!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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