Friday, July 30, 2010

Visa has arrived!!; Flying to Brazil on Wednesday!!

Hello again from the Provo MTC........for the last time!!!! :D :D

Haha, yup that's right, next week I'll be writing from the Sao Paulo MTC!! As you all know, I just found out a few hours ago that my visa is here and that I have flight plans to Sao Paulo for next Wednesday!!!

Wow, I'm excited! It's a strange feeling though....excitement mixed with anxiety mixed with sadness about leaving Sister Robson and the wonderful elders in my district and all the other Portuguese sisters here.... I've really really loved the Provo MTC. It's been a wonderful 6 weeks.... I'm really going to miss Sister Robson. I love her a lot and it's going to be sad to finish up our MTC weeks without each other. We just auditioned for another musical number "I Stand All Amazed" that sounds ammmmaaaaazing.......and now I'm not sure if we'll have time to perform it before Wednesday! I sure hope so...if not we'll just record it ourselves or something :)

This week we had an amazing devotional by Gene R. Cook! It was great. I've really been lucky, getting to hear from a lot of the Emeritus Seventy during July when the general authorities go on vacation. He spoke about faith and how as missionaries and as Latter-Day Saints we have no right to ever let fear get in the way of our faith. Faith cannot exist with fear, and they are both choices that we make. He talked about how when we choose to rely on God and to trust that He can help us do whatever he has asked us to do, then the fear will disappear. It's really wonderful for me to know that God wants us each to succeed, and he Will help us have success. We don't have to fear at all or feel inadequate, because God always qualifies those that He has called as long as they are humble and rely completely on him.

Today was the first P-day that we got to go to the Provo Temple! It was so wonderful to be able to go to the temple again.....I love the feeling of peace and love that I feel every time I am at the temple.

I am soooo excited about going to Brazil! Keep being wonderful as always!! Remember that I love you and that Heavenly Father loves you and that He wants us to be soooo happy! I'll talk to you all on Wednesday!! Enjoy the last few days of the trip and thanks again for all the letters and DearElders.
Sister Jamie Gee

Friday, July 23, 2010

Visas are starting to come; Guarana; LRC

Hello dear family,
Well it was another fast and happy week at the MTC. The biggest news of the week happened yesterday morning....when 54 Brazilian visas came in!!!!!! There was soooo much excitement and anticipation as names were called down to the travel office all day long. 54!! That's more than half of us! But sadly, neither Sister Robson nor I were one of the lucky 54. So we'll still be here! least we're staying together! We were scared that one would stay and one would leave....that would have been sad... But the good news is that 54 visas coming in on a single day means that something is finally getting worked out! I think we'll all be heading to Brazil soon!

I will definitely have a few days warning though, there is no need to stress about shoes. I think you should just wait for the gray Earth ones...I get the feeling I'll be finishing my MTC experience here in Provo...but I guess you never know!
I still am loving MTC life! Yesterday we taught for the first time in the TRC completely in Portuguese...and it went super well. We had a lot of practice for it....our district had a weekly goal of teaching 50 lessons as a district in Portuguese. So every spare minute that Sister Robson and I had we spent teaching other missionaries. Haha...I think that a lot of other districts had the same goal because we were also asked to be taught by many many missionaries.....that's a lot of 1st lessons in one week!

Haha...I also learned this week that it really pays to become friends with the senior missionaries! Brother and Sister Hepworth brought me guarana last week to try (the most popular drink in was good!) and Irmao Dennis went out of his way to get me and my district some Brazilian verb cards that our teachers have been trying to get for months! haha...the elders in my district are always commenting on how I'm the most popular missionary at the MTC :) It's funny. But they are happy too...because the Guarana was split evenly between all of us :) haha... It's a yummy drink...kind of like apple beer, but it's made out the guarana berry.

Sister Robson and I also got to be investigators for the missionary from Sao Paulo again, Elder Dantas....I love it! I was also very happy with how much more I was able to understand him just after 1 week! It's so fun to talk to a real native Brazilian and it makes me exxcited to be there soon! Next thursday will be our last time being taught by him, because then he will teach in his mission language...Japanese :) Hopefully we can still get him to practice Portuguese with us once in a while though!

Love always,
Sister Jamie Gee

Friday, July 16, 2010

Singing for Relief Society; More TRC experiences

Wow..can you believe that it is already Friday again? The weeks are definitely flying's hard to believe that it's already been a month since you dropped me off at the MTC! Has time been going just as fast for you at home? It sounds like you're all staying busy with a lot of wonderful summer things :) I loooved all the pictures you sent last week from the Smith Family Reunion! I was just showing them all to Sister Robson....I love you all so much :D

I didn't have time for them all to download last I just barely saw the picture of the Freedom Festival 5K. I didn't know that you all ran the 5K!! How was it?? It looks like it was sooo fun! I'm going to run it with you in keep running!

This week was a super fun week at the MTC! I didn't realize that being a missionary was going to be so much fun...I knew that I would like it, but I thought it would be more work than fun :) And it is work...well, at least a lot of studying...but it's the kind of work that just makes you super happy inside all of the time! It also helps that I'm surrounded by so many wonderful friends. Sister Robson and I have so much fun, and the 3 other sisters in my room are so great! It feels like a party ever night...right up until 10:30 of course :)

Speaking of Sister Robson, guess what! She and I got to perfom a musical number last Sunday in the MTC auditorium! On the beautiful piano on the big screen in front of everyone! front of all the sister missionaries at least, since we were performing in Relief Society :) She sang "I Feel My Savior's Love" and I accompanied her on the piano. It was very pretty I thought! We're working on another song, "I Stand All Amazed", right now...but it's a harder piano accompaniment,so I'll need a week or so of practice before we're ready to audition. You will all have to go onto YouTube next week and type in "I Feel My Savior's Love - O Amor do Salvador" to look for it! I think Sister Robson's sister is going to put it up next week sometime :)

I'm also beginning to be really good friends with some of the senior missionaries here...they are really some of my favorite people here. They are all so sweet and loving and it's amazing to me how humble and willing they are to serve the Lord and do whatever he asks them to do. There are two couples we see all the time! They're both going to Brazil too and have been delayed for a month now waiting for their visas! I think they're getting very anxious to go :) It's fun having them here though. Elder Hepworth is always telling us cool stories about his first mission to Brazil, what life is like in Porto Alegre and Florianopolis (Sis. Robson's mission) and Sister Hepworth likes to look up things for us on the internet that we're wanting to know....haha, the senior missionaries get special privileges here!

Portuguese is going wonderfully for me! I'm really starting to feel very comfortable and I think I'm using less and less Spanish words....haha. I'm really glad that I decided to learn Spanish 2 years's making it so much easier.

My favorite part of the MTC is still the TRC where we get to teach "investigators" each Thursday. Every time we go I can feel the Spirit so strong....especially when I share my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Atonement. It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to tell someone that God loves them and knows them. We're switching over this week from english to teach completely in Portuguese. I'm very excited!
Yesterday was especially fun at the TRC, because I got a chance to be the investigator!

Elder Dantas is from Sao Paulo and he just got here last week and he doesn't speak much English at all. He's going to Japan so eventually he'll teach in Japanese, but for the first 4 weeks they like to focus more on the teaching, so we teach in our native language. Last week he tried teaching in English with his companion, but it was very hard for this week they decided to let him teach in Portuguese so he'd be able to get more out of it. So Sister Robson and I got to be the investigators for him and his companion! Elder Dantas taught me in Portuguese and his companion taught Sister Robson in English! It was very fun and I really liked being able to talk with a native Brazilian! He talked faaaaast...and his accent was so pretty. I can't wait to be in Brazil! Woot!

Well I love you all! Stay happy and safe and remember that Heavenly Father loves you! Thank you for being the best family ever and for always making me feel loved! That's what families are help each other and build each other up with love and support and our testimonies! You all do that for me! I love you!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

Friday, July 9, 2010

TRC practice teaching; Fourth devotional and fireworks!

Dear Family,
Hello again from the Provo MTC! looks like you all had an Amazing time at the Smith Family Reunion! It sounds like it was so much fun...the pictures are great too! I wish I could have been there! It's exciting to see you all with Grandma and Grandpa!! They're really home :D haha.....

Hahaha.....that's so funny that you saved the stray dog! Yes, and it's exactly what I would have done. The picture made me laugh out loud though...he is pretty hopeless looking :) That's awesome that the owner called! Melissa, you should become a professional dog-saver. I think you've saved Rawley's life 10 times by now..and now you're saving out saving others! haha..speaking of Rawley, how did he react to you bringing home the stray? :)

Well, my Fourth of July was super fun too! The MTC Presidency put on a great devotional about the Founding Fathers and other people that helped make it possible for the gospel to be was pretty inspiring. And they timed it to end at exactly 10 pm so we could watch the fireworks while walking out! It was really fun...I will always remember this Fourth of July, standing with 2,200 other missionaries and singing hymns as we watch the fireworks...So much fun!

I really like being at the MTC...and I think that part of the reason is the number of missionaries that are here! It's so powerful to be at a devotional and look around and see the entire room full of missionaries, and I'm one of them! And when we sing hymns's an amazing feeling! I'm definitely looking forward to getting to Brazil and starting to do the real missionary work, but I think this MTC part will always be one of my favorite times of my mission!

Sister Robson and I are loving the "practice teaching" we're doing here. We just got a progressive investigator, which means that we meet with the same person every week so that we can really get to know them and teach them according to their personal it really will be in the mission field! And tomorrow we're teaching for the first time completely in Portuguese! I'm excited...I'm really started to love Portuguese. It sounds very pretty! The TRC is my favorite part about the MTC...We go once a week and teach a different investigator. Sister Robson and I have done it a few times before...but this week was Amazing! We were teaching a girl about the Plan of Salvation, and as I was talking to her and testifying, I could feel God's love for strong, and I could tell she felt it too.

As I left the TRC I felt soooo my heart was flying out of my chest and I couldn't stop grinning :D I think I'm beginning to understand what people mean when they talk about the joy of missionary work! I'm so happy to be a missionary. There is no better feeling than helping someone feel God's love!

Well, time is winding up again! Man...30 minutes sure goes fast when you're writing an email! I love you all very much! Remember that Heavenly Father loves you and that He will always be there for you...He really does want what's best for us. You are all amazing and I love and miss you!

Be good! Have an awesome week!

Love, Sister Jamie Gee

Friday, July 2, 2010

Elder Oaks and Elaine Dalton; visa situation update

Minha querida familia,
Hola! It's been another wonderful week at the MTC! I really am loving it here...I know I say it every week, but it is very true :) I love everything here...the wonderful teachers, the missionaries, my amazing companion, the food, the gym, the classes, the's all great! I have decided that I really do like being at the Provo visa can come when it comes, I'm in no hurry :) It's so fun to see people I know all of the time! This week I saw Sister Cutler and her family running around the temple, Steve Holmes who came into the cafeteria for lunch (haha..that was crazy!), and a BUNCH of missionary friends: Sister Hannah Bates, Sister Liz Kuhn, Sister Tawny Christensen, Sister Staisha Stratton, and Elder Phil Wooley...who was apparently Ryan's good friend from Cascade/Canyon View days :) It's also super cool to hear about missionaries that are going all over the world! Our district studies right next to a Japanese district and it's funny to hear them trying to pronounce the language :) Every day Sister Robson and I get contacted by missionaries in so many different languages...Korean, French, German, Croatian, even Sign Language! It's pretty cool!

So this week has been extra fun because we got to hear from both Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Elaine S. Dalton! I am feeling pretty lucky to be here at the Provo MTC where we get visits from extra special people...I'm sure that doesn't happen quite as often in the Sao Paulo MTC, so I'll enjoy it while I can :D Elder Dallin H. Oaks spoke last Friday night as part of the mission president seminar week, so along with him there were 7 other members of the Tweleve on the stand!! Elder Nelson, Elder Bednar, Elder Cook, Elder Holland, Elder Scott, Elder Cristoffersen, and Elder Anderson....along with a few hundred new mission presidents and their wives! It was a pretty incredible feeling :) I remember we sang "Behold a Royal Army" for the opening hymn, and it filled me with so much excitement! Especially the part that says...."Their leader calls 'Be Faithful!', they pass the word along - they see His banner flashing and shout their joyful song!" It hit me again, as it has so many times these last two weeks, that this really is the Lord's work and that He is guiding us along and giving us the power to work miracles. He calls for us to be faithful....and then he also gives us wonderful leaders, teachers, many wonderful examples...that help pass His word along and encourage us to stay strong and faithful! We are really all in this's the whole reason that we're on earth is to help each other come closer to Christ.

I loved Sister Dalton's devotional too...I always love her talks and how loving and personal they always are. She spoke on virtue and how if we continually strive to stay pure, we will be blessed with faith and power. She also gave a running example that I loved.. (she always ties running into her talks...maybe that's why I always love them :D) She told a story about how she was running a hill with her husband and was tired and sore and falling she turned to him and said that she was done for the day and ready to head back to the car. But then her husband grabbed her arm and said "Oh Elaine, you're so silly. I thought that you as a runner would know this...You Never decide to stop when you are in the middle of a hill!" I really liked that thought..and I've thought of it several times since... When you're in the difficult times in your life it's easy to want to's easy to say "Wait, this isn't what it was supposed to be like!" and to want to turn around. But if you just stick with it, God always gives you the strength to make it through...and then you'll have made it and you'll know it was all worth it!

Well, I just wanted to share one last story.... So last night at around 8:30 pm, I was sitting in the courtyard on a bench with Sister Robson while we were doing some personal Book of Mormon study. It was an Amazingly beautiful night...I've always loved Utah summer evenings, but last night was exceptionally pretty. The air was warm and heavy, but with a cool breeze, and the sun was just setting making all the colors seem extra bold and bright! I don't know if it was because I was reading Ether 3 (which is my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon) but I was suddenly filled with so much happiness. I looked around and saw missionaries reading their scriptures, discussing the gospel in companionships, walking in groups....Everything was quiet and peaceful and so happy! And suddenly my heart felt like it was bursting with joy! It's probably one of the happiest feelings I've ever felt in my life. I'm so happy to be in this wonderful place where we are all studying and striving to become servants for the Lord. It is a very special place with a very special spirit. :) I know that Heavenly Father gave me that feeling of joy last night...I know it was a special gift from him, letting me know that I'm where I'm supposed to be and that He's happy with me! He loves us each so much...He loves us perfectly and wants us to succeed! I know hard times come for everyone...they have come in my life and I know they will come again....but no matter what comes, God loves us and lets us face the hard times so that we'll learn what we need to learn and become what we need to become. And I believe he'll kindly throw in a few moments where we feel pure joy, just like I did last night....where we know that all is well and that He is right there. And then during the hard times we can look back on those moments, and have the strength and faith and hope to keep going :)

That's cool about President Aidukatis! I love the picture haha, and so do the elders in my district. I mentioned it in my letter to President Aidukatis this week and I'm excited to show him the picture on Sunday :) He's a great guy...and he's from Porto Alegre! Woot! So, there is some good news about the visas! Apparently during mission president week, Elder Cook came up to President Aidukatis and told him that he was personally going to take care of the visa situation in Brazil! So pretty much, we definitely have nothing to worry about :) I am excited to get to Brazil soon...I love it here, but I'm sure it would make learning Portuguese a lot easier if we were totally immersed in it! Elder in my district got called down to the travel office yesterday...which only means one thing: VISA! We were all so excited!!! And he pretty much Ran out of the room!! But when he got down to the travel office, they told him that apparently something had gone wrong with his visa application and that he had to submit another one! Sad! So he's just starting the whole process now!! was funny, but sad...

Well I hope that everything continues to go well for you all at home! I'm excited that you get to go to the Smith Reunion this weekend!! It sounds like you have a lot of fun plans for it! Kyle, good luck in marching at the parade!! I'm sure you'll do great...I wish I could be there!! Well, you'll all have to tell everyone hello for me!'s hard for me to believe that it's already the 4th of July...that was always one of my favorite holidays! We have a devotional tomorrow night at 8:30 pm...but I'm hoping that they late us stay out to watch the fireworks! We'd practically have front row seats here at the MTC! :D

I love you all!! Have a great 4th of July!!

Love, Sister Jamie Gee

I know this is a long won't always be like this, we just have extra time on P-days when the Provo Temple is closed. I love you all!