Monday, May 23, 2011

Sis Corrêa leaving; New missionary coming; I will be a trainer!

Hello Gee Family!
Another wonderful and fast week in Rio Pardo....that ended early this morning with a phone call from the LZ´s about the new transfer! Just as we expected, Sister Corrêa is going to be transferred.... :( I am still not getting used to the goodbyes that are so frequent on the mission... I really loved being companions with Sister Correa these last 3 months! I learned so much from her quiet, gentle and loving personality. She is the most patient and positive person that I know...and I know that a lot of the miracles that we saw together here in Rio Pardo these last 2 transfers happened because of her faith and confidence in the Lord. I love her so much!!! I am suuuuper happy that I get to stay in Rio Pardo!! There are so many people that preparing for baptism right now...Antônia and Elias, Elizângela and Róges, Shirley, Eliandra....not to mention the new and wonderful people that we are finding each day!
Sister Corrêa and I were going around to the homes of the members so she could say goodbye...and at the home of Presidente Rogério we received another huge shock! Presidente Rogério and his family are moving to Vera Cruz at the end of the month and, as of thisnext Sunday, he will no longer be the branch president here in Rio Pardo. !!!! I can´t believe it...he didn´t even tell anyone that his family was thinking about moving! Presidente Rogério has been the greatest help and support of the missionary work here! I have never had a bishop that helps and sacrifices and devotes so much time and shows so much love for us missionaries... transfer here in Rio Pardo will be no Sister Corrêa and no Presidente Rogerio!! :S

But the biggest surprise came right now!! About 5 minutes ago....when I opened my email and saw this email from Presidente Pavan....

Sister Gee, Parabéns!

Você está sendo chamado para ser uma Treinadora. Uma das maiores expressões de confiança que posso fazer a uma missionária é designá-lo como treinadora de um nova missionária.
Sua influência será profunda e duradoura no desenvolvimento de atitudes e nos hábitos do novo missionário. Portanto, sua responsabilidade será muito grande perante ele e perante o Senhor. Você deverá se comprometer a dar o melhor exemplo possível de obediência e de proselitismo eficaz, fazendo tudo ao seu alcance para ajudar a companheira a iniciar a missão de maneira digna, correta, positiva e eficaz.
Como treinadora, você deverá seguir o programa missionário diário diligentemente (ver Pregar Meu Evangelho, pg.viii) ler diariamente o Manual do Missionário com o novo companheiro e obedecer integralmente todas as regras da missão. Deverá fazer o estudo diário com o companheiro e ajudá-lo a desenvolver e melhorar as habilidades missionárias básicas discutidas em Pregar Meu Evangelho.
Oro para que o Senhor a abençoe.

Com amor,

Presidente Pavan

Sister Gee
You are being called to be a Trainer. One of the greatest expressions of trust that I can give to a missionary is to call them as a trainer of a new missionary. Your influence will be great and lasting in the development of the attitude and habits of the new missionary. Because of this, your responsibility will be very great before him and before the Lord. You will have to promise to give the best example possible of obedience and of efficient proselyting, doing everything you can to help your companion start her mission in a worthy, correct, positive and efficient way.
As a trainer, you will follow the daily missionary program dilligently, read daily from the Missionary Manuel with your new companion and completely obey all of the mission rules. You will study daily with your companion and help her develop the best basic missionary abilities found in Preach My Gospel......

I was very very surprised when I read this email....and I am feeling very nervous too! I think a new american sister is arriving tomorrow in Porto Alegre...the only sister arriving so she must be my new companion. haha....a trainer??? I don´t feel ready to be a mother!! But I remember Ryan´s stories about Elder Guapo (I forgot his name...) and the amazing stories and experiences that they had together. I know that Heavenly Father qualifies us for every responsiblity that He calls us to fulfill.

It´s interesting....yesterday we were visiting Irmão Ernesto and talking and drinking chimarrão long before we were even thinking about the new transfer. We were talking about the example of our Savior and how we need to work to become better every day of our lives. I told him my favorite quote from last year´s General Conference "In order to become who we would like to someday be...we must constantly be, moment after moment, who we would like to become!" He agreed that it is important to work diligently and obediently in order to improve....but then he commented that we can´t forget that it is only the Savior that can truly change our hearts and our character. He said that if we try over and over again to change ourselves, we will only find failure and frustration. We have to remember to let Jesus Christ change us and to sincerely plead for him to transform our hearts and help us to change....

I didn´t think much about the conversation then...but ever since I receive Presidente Pavan´s email it has been playing over and over again in my mind. It is so true! Heavenly Father will help us be exactly who He needs us to be....but we have to be obedient and humble...then ask and trust in Him :)

Another transfer! I love Rio Pardo and I love being a missionary and I love my Savior Jesus Christ! I know that He lives and that He loves us! This is His work....and it is a work of joy!!! :)
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wedding of Antônia and Elias; Elizângela and Elisandro

Oí família!
Hello! How are you all doing? I´m still loving loving loving Rio feels like I just got here yesterday and at the same time it feels like I´ve lived here my whole life...I´m not quite sure how to explain that :) I think that it´s because the people here are so kind and loving...even the people we talk to on the streets are loving and friendly and super nice! The members are amazing... always calling us and wanting to help and make sure that we are doing alright. It´s great...I love Rio Pardo! I can´t believe that we´re already starting the last week before the transfer...and most likely the last week that Sister Corrêa and I will be companions. I really have loved this last 2 transfers...Rio Pardo is full of amazing amazing people and Sister Corrêa is my best friend. No wonder the weeks are flying by!

This week was really fun...both Friday and Saturday had activities in the chapel that were super fun! Friday was a Hawaiian dance that Larissa (a young woman in the branch) had been planning for months and months. And she did an amazing job! Walking out of the dark and coooold night into the warm and colorful chapel, full of lights and flowers and REAL palm trees and beach music was amazing... and there were soooo many people! People from Santa Cruz and Lajeado and Venâncio Aires (all the neighboring cities) and almost all of the members and their friends and our investigators their friends :) I think in just that one night we doubled our number of references to start teaching! haha... Everyone had SO much´s wonderful to have activities and members that help the ward become a family. I think that it makes the biggest difference in the missionary work here in Rio Pardo...the members really seem like a family here and everyone feels loved and remembered. Before the dance the ward put on a talent show. I played and sang "You say it best" and "Querência Amada" (the hymn of Rio Grande do Sul) on the guitar...haha, it was very fun :)

Saturday was supposed to be an activity for the mother´s in the branch with a special presentation of a group of gaúchan dancers...but because of the rain the presentation was canceled. So instead, the 2 huge and beautiful cakes and the cachorro quente, cucas, refri and chá and beautiful flower decorations were donated to the wedding of Antônia and Elias that was scheduled the same day. What a beautiful wedding!! Elias rented a very chique suit (I´ve never even seen him use a tie!) and looked very handsome and nervous as he waited for Antônia to enter the chapel. I played the piano while Antônia walked in...but I could still see how beautiful and happy she looked as she was escorted to the front of the chapel by her son, Éder. It was a very very happy day and I´m glad I got to be a part of it. Antônia is ready and anxious to be baptized...she reads the Book of Mormon every day and told us that she´s drinking cevada for breakfast instead of café (remember that yummy Mexican drink you had us try, Ryan?...I think it´s the same thing they have here!) Elias also wants to be baptized, but he is still working on breaking his alcohol and tobacco addiction and Antônia told us that she wants to wait so they can be baptized together. They are going to prepare themselves to be ready for their baptism on June 25....I´d really like to be here to see it!!!

But for me, the happiest moment of the week was early Sunday morning in the chapel when I turned around to see Elizângela and Elisandro and their whole family walking up the street towards the church! Elisandro came!!! After weeks and weeks of inviting and calling and going to wake them up on Sunday morning.... it made me so so happy! And he really enjoyed the classes and the sacrament meeting too! Carlos and Feijão are really helping us a lot with him...always visiting and inviting his family for family nights and helping him build his new home. It´s great. It is so amazing what a difference that the help and love and care of a member can do for each investigator.

I know that this gospel is true!! Remember that we have a very loving Heavenly Father who listens to every sincere prayer. When we kneel in faith and reverence and respect, with real desire to communicate with him, we can feel always feel His´ presence and love for us! I know that He gives us guidance and help in every situation and decision if we remember to trust in Him and ask! We are so blessed :)
I love you all so much!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day call; Elizângela and Elisandro

It was soooo much fun to talk to you all on Sunday!! I´m so glad that we used Skype!! It was great to talk to you and hear your voices on Christmas...but yesterday, being able to SEE you all was even more wonderful and fun! Haha...and it made me miss you all so much too! I´m happy to see that you´re still the same happy crazy and wonderfully fun family that I love! :) And no worries about Jorge´s family thinking that our family is crazy...I was there when his son, Elder Lamone, used Skype to call home a few hours earlier.....and the silly faces and laughter and craziness was just the same. There is nothing like family :)

I guess there is not too much new "news" since the last time we talked. I am still happy and loving life here in Rio Pardo! Yesterday Carlos and Feijão went with us to visit Elizângela and her family. Carlos works with her husband, Elisandro, and is his good friend, so when he heard that we have been visiting his family for the last month he got super excited to help us! He already invited the entire family over for a Noite Familiar and duck dinner ( was good) and tells us that at work he talks to Elisandro about the gospel every chance that he gets! :) There is nothing like the fire and power of the testimony of a recent convert... The lesson with them yesterday was so amazing. Usually it is difficult to get Elisandro to sit and listen...and when we invite him . But when we showed up at his door with Feijão and Carlos. We taught about prayer and how Heavenly Father is eager to bless and help us...we just have to have faith in Him and ask! My favorite part was when Carlos bore his testimony at the end of the lesson. He talked about his family and how they have been reading from the Book of Mormon and praying as a family every night ever since their baptism. He told Elisandro that it is the greatest blessing and joy that he has felt in his life to have his family gathered every night and praying together. It was a very beautiful and sincere testimony and the Spirit was very strong...I know that Elisandro was listening and that he felt it too. He thanked us all several times and told us that he wanted to be at church this next Sunday. !!! Wow! It is amazing how the Spirit can open and soften the heart of anyone who decides to listen....and it is also amazing how powerful a new and growing testimony of the gospel is!
I think that I already told you about Elizângela and her family. When we found them I was sure that it we had found a family already prepared and ready to be baptized! Elizângela and her husband, Elisandro, were married legally two years ago so that Elizângela could be baptized in the ward in Santa Cruz. Elizângela LOVED the church and the irmãs in her old ward…but when she moved to Rio Pardo 6 months ago, she lost contact with the church. She seemed so excited when she found us in the papelaria and was super happy to hear that we would bring her to church with us on Sunday. This, and lots of other little miracles, like finding her home, after searching for an hour and almost giving up thinking it was a wrong address, made us sure that this was a very special family that would be quick to accept the gospel and be baptized! But it hasn´t been quite that easy... Every Saturday when we visit she agrees to come to church with us the next morning….and every Sunday morning when we arrive, something happens that keeps her from coming. She told us a few weeks that her biggest dream in the world is to have her entire family in the church with her, but her husband, Elisandro, doesn´t want anything to do with God or the church. And when Sunday arrives, she feels discouraged about getting up early and getting all the young children ready and going to church alone. We told her that Heavenly Father knows her and loves her and that He also knows the desires of her heart. He is a God of miracles and He has a perfect plan for her and her family...including her husband. Maybe her dream wouldn´t be realized immediately, but the blessings from Heavenly Father of peace and happiness would come immediately once she decided to trust in him and to act in faith and do her part. Ever since that day she has been bringing her children to church and reading the Book of Mormon with them at home...even when Elisandro doesn´t want to participate. I can tell that her own testimony and confidence in the Lord are growing stronger! I´m so happy that now Carlos and Feijão are helping answer her prayer and that Elisandro felt the Holy Ghost testifying through the examples and testimonies of his family and friends.

Well, know that I love you and am thinking about you always! Thanks for being wonderful family and friends for me...the best I could have! Mom and Dad!!! Thank you thank you thank you for being the best parents in the world. Your emails and letters always make me so happy. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice and love. I love you allll so much!! The next time I´ll hear your voices will be when I´m home with you all!!!!
Love Always,
Sister Jamie Gee

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conference with an Apostle - Elder Cristofferson; Standing in Holy Places

Hello dear family!! How are you all doing?

This week was SUCH AN AMAZING WEEK! And like all amazing weeks, it flew by super fast! Friday night, Sister Corrêa and I packed our bags for a "pajama night" with the sisters in Santa Cruz and Venâncio Aires, the two neighboring cities. It was very fun, but hard to sleep with all the excitement and last minute preparation for the trip. Early Saturday morning, all 6 of us were cramped in the tiny apartments one little bathroom to help each other get ready for the conference. We traveled with 4 other elders from Santa Cruz and Lajeado in a huge 12 passenger reminded me of Gee family trips :) 3 hours and 100 hymns later we arrived at the chapel in Porto Alegre! What an amazing conference! Our district arrived early to rehearse a special musical number, "Grandioso Ès Tu" with the choir. Sister Cristofferson spoke first about a story from the bible in 2 Kings. She talked about preparation and how God is willing to give us as many blessings and miracles that we are prepared to receive. Then Elder Cristofferson spoke about our calling and how sacred and wonderful this time is that we have to serve full time in the Lord´s work to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". The rest of the hour he used to hear and answer was very inspired and exactly what I needed to hear. There was such a wonderful and strong spirit in the room...especially in the end when he bore testimony of the Savior and the love that He has for us. I can´t forget the power and love in his voice and in his eyes when he shook my hand. I´m really grateful that I had the chance to hear from an apostle of the Lord and I feel so motivated to change and improve and use these last 8 months in Brazil to work with more diligence and faith in the Lord.

After the conference we had about 10 minutes to talk and socialize (I saw Sister Caitlin Christensen who is serving in the Brazil Porto Alegre Sul mission! It was crazy!.....and Sister Oliveira and Sister much fun!) and then we were back in the van for the 3 hour drive to Santa Cruz. Early Saturday morning, Sister Corrêa and I ran back to Rio Pardo with the Elders for the interviews and baptisms of Berenice, Vivian and Luan. It was also Vivian´s 10th birthday, so we stopped to buy a chocolate cake on the way :) What a beautiful baptism! I don´t know if it was because I was still on a spiritual high from hearing from an apostle of the Lord, but it seemed like the Spirit was even more strong during this baptism than any other that I have seen on my mission. Especially when I was talking to Berenice afterwards...she gave me a big hug and told me that she had never felt so light and happy in her entire life :) I couldn´t stop smiling the whole, there is no greater joy in the world than being a missionary!!

Sunday was District Conference here in Rio Pardo. I assumed that meant that the district president and other leaders would speak to us, but when we arrived the television was set up in the front of the chapel for a special conference broadcasted from Salt Lake City. Elder Holland and President Monson both spoke about standing in holy places (making our home a sacred place where the Spirit can always be) and about rescuing the lost sheep (members helping with missionary work and bringing back the inactive members) . It was an amazing conference and I learned so much. about a motivating week! Hearing from 2 apostles and the prophet...we are so blessed! And Sister Corrêa and I are ready and excited for an amazing last 3 weeks of the transfer.

I love you all!! I´m excited to talk to you all next Sunday!! LOVE YOU!
Sister Jamie Gee