Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wedding of Antônia and Elias; Elizângela and Elisandro

Oí família!
Hello! How are you all doing? I´m still loving loving loving Rio Pardo...it feels like I just got here yesterday and at the same time it feels like I´ve lived here my whole life...I´m not quite sure how to explain that :) I think that it´s because the people here are so kind and loving...even the people we talk to on the streets are loving and friendly and super nice! The members are amazing... always calling us and wanting to help and make sure that we are doing alright. It´s great...I love Rio Pardo! I can´t believe that we´re already starting the last week before the transfer...and most likely the last week that Sister Corrêa and I will be companions. I really have loved this last 2 transfers...Rio Pardo is full of amazing amazing people and Sister Corrêa is my best friend. No wonder the weeks are flying by!

This week was really fun...both Friday and Saturday had activities in the chapel that were super fun! Friday was a Hawaiian dance that Larissa (a young woman in the branch) had been planning for months and months. And she did an amazing job! Walking out of the dark and coooold night into the warm and colorful chapel, full of lights and flowers and REAL palm trees and beach music was amazing... and there were soooo many people! People from Santa Cruz and Lajeado and Venâncio Aires (all the neighboring cities) and almost all of the members and their friends and our investigators their friends :) I think in just that one night we doubled our number of references to start teaching! haha... Everyone had SO much fun...it´s wonderful to have activities and members that help the ward become a family. I think that it makes the biggest difference in the missionary work here in Rio Pardo...the members really seem like a family here and everyone feels loved and remembered. Before the dance the ward put on a talent show. I played and sang "You say it best" and "Querência Amada" (the hymn of Rio Grande do Sul) on the guitar...haha, it was very fun :)

Saturday was supposed to be an activity for the mother´s in the branch with a special presentation of a group of gaúchan dancers...but because of the rain the presentation was canceled. So instead, the 2 huge and beautiful cakes and the cachorro quente, cucas, refri and chá and beautiful flower decorations were donated to the wedding of Antônia and Elias that was scheduled the same day. What a beautiful wedding!! Elias rented a very chique suit (I´ve never even seen him use a tie!) and looked very handsome and nervous as he waited for Antônia to enter the chapel. I played the piano while Antônia walked in...but I could still see how beautiful and happy she looked as she was escorted to the front of the chapel by her son, Éder. It was a very very happy day and I´m glad I got to be a part of it. Antônia is ready and anxious to be baptized...she reads the Book of Mormon every day and told us that she´s drinking cevada for breakfast instead of café (remember that yummy Mexican drink you had us try, Ryan?...I think it´s the same thing they have here!) Elias also wants to be baptized, but he is still working on breaking his alcohol and tobacco addiction and Antônia told us that she wants to wait so they can be baptized together. They are going to prepare themselves to be ready for their baptism on June 25....I´d really like to be here to see it!!!

But for me, the happiest moment of the week was early Sunday morning in the chapel when I turned around to see Elizângela and Elisandro and their whole family walking up the street towards the church! Elisandro came!!! After weeks and weeks of inviting and calling and going to wake them up on Sunday morning.... it made me so so happy! And he really enjoyed the classes and the sacrament meeting too! Carlos and Feijão are really helping us a lot with him...always visiting and inviting his family for family nights and helping him build his new home. It´s great. It is so amazing what a difference that the help and love and care of a member can do for each investigator.

I know that this gospel is true!! Remember that we have a very loving Heavenly Father who listens to every sincere prayer. When we kneel in faith and reverence and respect, with real desire to communicate with him, we can feel always feel His´ presence and love for us! I know that He gives us guidance and help in every situation and decision if we remember to trust in Him and ask! We are so blessed :)
I love you all so much!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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