Monday, February 28, 2011

Transfer tomorrow to???; The Lord is guiding each one of us

Oiiiiii Family!

Today is transfers and....... I´m being transferred!!! Crazy...both Sister Oliveira and I had hopes that we would stay together for one more transfer....and we thought that, if anyone would be transferred, it would be her...because she has been here 4 months already. Haha, it took me so much by surprise that I haven´t even said goodbye to anyone!! It´s going to be a very busy afternoon :)

This week was a great one....even more special now, knowing that it was my last one here in Novo Hamburgo with Sister Oliveira!!! I am going to miss her... But luckily we filled our last week together with many many memories and wonderful experiences. We taught Letícia and her brother-in-law and then helped them for a while mixing cement and laying bricks for her new house! It was super fun :) Just a little difficult in a skirt. Saturday night we spent with Alice, Claírton, Alana, Robson, Deise and Maiara, watched Emma Smith and ate popcorn and aipim yummy! That really is an inspiring movie...the early members of the church had so much faith and trust in the Lord! We also met an amazing family this week...Cristina and her daughters Elizete and Ariane. Sister Oliveira and I met them sitting by the side of the road and stopped to talk to them about the Book of Mormon. Cristina was very interested and super happy to hear our message and told us that she wanted to hear more. But the coolest part of the story is that as we were talking to her about the Book of Mormon, suddenly an image came to my mind of her, years in the future as a member of the church, sharing the story of the first day that she met the missionaries. And as we left her and were walking to our next appointment, Sister Oliveira told me that she had had the exact same thought during the lesson! :) I know it´s something small and simple, but I know it was from the Lord. It makes me happy to know that He is always working side by side with us!

Well this will be my last email from Novo Hamburgo. What a wonderful wonderful city...the members, the investigators, the memories with Sister Oliveira...I loved being here the last 2 1/2 months! I learned a lot and laughed and smiled even more :) I´m sad to be leaving so quickly, but at the same time I´m sure that my next area will be just as wonderful too! It always seems to be that way on the mission... I really like what President Pavan wrote in his email to the missionaries this week, so I´m going to copy it here....

Amanhã, dia 01 de Março, iniciaremos mais um período de transferência. Posso afirmar a todos que o Senhor está colocando seus missionários onde Ele quer. As experiências dessa transferência, são uma forte evidência de que o Senhor dirige sua Igreja de maneira a revelar Sua vontade de forma clara, específica e forte.
Tenha certeza que, onde quer que você vá trabalhar, é a vontade e o desejo do Senhor.

Tomorrow, March 1st, we will begin another transfer. I can affirm to you all that the Lord is placing His missioniaries where He wants them to be. The experiences of this transfer are a strong evidence that the Lord directs His Church by revealing his will in a clear, specific and strong way.
I am certain that, wherever you are going to work, it is the will and desire of the Lord.

I felt very happy when I read this email this morning and a strong feeling of peace. I know it is true! The Lord is guiding each one of us. His hand is in every moment and every experience of our lives. I know that He has a perfect plan..... This week during personal study I was reading about the story of Esther. I really like what her uncle Mordecai asks her "And who knows whether you have not come to this kingdom for a time such as this?" Heavenly Father placed her there in that time and place so that she could do His work. I know that we each have the exact circumstances in our lives that the Lord wants us to have... that the Lord needs us to have in order to do the work that He has prepared us to do. We just need to be ready and willing to listen and then act with faith...nothing doubting!

I am so happy to be a missionary and to be meeting and teaching wonderful people every day! There is no happier feeling than sharing your testimony and feeling the Holy Spirit testify that what you are saying is true...and knowing that others are feeling it too :)

Thank you for being a wonderful family!!! I love you all so much!!!


Sister Jamie Gee


  1. I asked Jamie via e-mail where she was being transferred to, and it turns out she doesn't know yet. She gets on the bus tomorrow and heads to Porto Alegre and she will find out at 2pm tomorrow in the bus station in Porto Alegre where the rest of her bus ride will take her tomorrow. Weird, eh?

  2. Sister Gee, estamos com saudades aqui em montenegro sister Custodio foi transferida ficamos tristes mais sabemos que voces ensinaram e conheceram muitas pessoas maravilhosas, estou com saudades.... AMO VOCE....
