Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dia do Gaúcho! Now in a trio! The gospel gives us so much peace!

Oí Família!
Hello! Sorry for not writing yesterday. We couldn´t use the internet because it the 20th of September is a huge holiday here in Rio Grande do Sul...Dia do Gaúcho! I love it when holidays fall on P-days....we got to watch the horse parade (awesome!) and visit the beautiful cathedral (the tallest in all of South America) and eat ice cream in the plaça. It was kind of nice having everything closed...we didn´t even have to worry about shopping or using the internet! I´m pretty sure it was my first relaxing P-day on the mission :)

So do you want to know the most exciting news of the week? We are now in a trio!!! Last Saturday Presidente Pavan called us to tell us to set up a new bed and rearrange the apartment for a trio, because a new sister was coming to work with us in Santa Cruz...and that she would be here Monday morning! Sister Carine Ferreira is from Novo Hamburgo and was serving a mission in the Bahia (north-eastern Brazil), but had to come home for a minor surgery. She stayed in Novo Hamburgo for a few months and now she´s going to work for a transfer in our mission until she goes back to the Bahia on November 8th. Awesome, huh? She is so fun and is was great to have a real gaúchan to celebrate Dia do Gaúcho with! Haha...she even taught us the Hino da República yesterday morning..."foi dia 20 de setembro...precursor da liberdade!!" My first gaúchan companion!! Now I have someone to drink chimarrão with every morning!!! :D

I love being in a trio on a just seems like a party every day and even the lessons seem easier to teach with three. We have had some great experiences these last two days. Monday was the best! Priscila and Daniel (a young couple in the ward) took advantage of the 3-day weekend and came with us to visit Christiane & Guilherme and Ana & Nilmar. It was perfect. The lessons and testimonies were powerful and the spirit was strong...and both Guilherme and Nilmar really liked Daniel and seemed more comfortable with the idea of coming to church next week. I especially liked the lesson with Ana. She came to church last week and loved it (Nilmar didn´t come with her...but I think he´s coming next week!). Ana told us that she has been reading the Book of Mormon every night and knows that it is true. She said that she never felt so good inside any other church that she has visited. She is amazing!!

We also had a great lesson with Fernanda last night... Sometimes it is difficult to teach because she is always busy and running from one thing to another, but last night we found her at home, alone and crying. Her mom died a few months ago and she told us that she was missing her a lot that day... Fernanda started telling us how she feels like she has an emptiness in her life and she is searching for something to fill it. We had planned to teach her the message of the Restoration again because it had been a while since she had heard it...and it was perfect! We talked about the love that Heavenly Father has for her and how His gospel will fill her life with peace and hope. As we told the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith and bore testimony that Heavenly Father does talk to His children again through living prophets and reveals His perfect plan of salvation through them, Fernanda just started to cry and cry. She said that she believes that it is true :) I don´t think that I have every felt the spirit so strongly during a was wonderful and it made me so happy. The gospel gives us so much peace! I love being a missionary and being able to share the message of the restoration of the gospel every day with our brothers and sisters who are searching for that peace. There is no greater happiness!!!!

I love you all!!! have a good week!!!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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