Monday, November 7, 2011

New chapel is ready; Teaching a group of young men

Oí querida família!
How are all of you doing?
This was another great week in Santa Cruz do Sul. The best news came this morning when the zone leaders called with the transfers this morning. Sister Fernandes and I are both staying here in Santa Cruz do Sul! : D I´m suuuuper happy to be staying another transfer here! My last, that is hard to believe. But I know that there is still a lot to do here in Santa Cruz do Sul....a lot more people to meet and love and a lot more miracles to see! This is going to be a great transfer and Sister Fernandes and I are excited!!

The truth is....the whole district here is excited! The new chapel is finally ready to be dedicated and next week we´re going to have an open house and night of celebration and the whole city is going to be invited! This last Saturday and Sunday we went with the members to personally invite all of the inactive members in Santa Cruz and Vera Cruz.....and next week we´re going to deliver invitations to every single house in both cities! It´s really great to see the excitement of the members and to see them feel the joy of sharing the gospel. We found a lot of families of members that haven´t been to church for years...and some seemed really happy that we had found them and anxious to return to church.

And last Wednesday was Dia dos Mortos, so Sister Fernandes and I decided to spend an hour in the cemetery. We brought pamphlets of the Plan of Salvation and talked to people about eternal families and about Heavenly Father´s perfect love and helped them clean and put flowers on the tombstones of their family members and friends. It was really great and we met a lot of nice people that seemed interested in learning more...but what was really great was the wonderful feeling to share the hope of the gospel with people who were missing their loved ones.

We also had a great lesson with Luíza again! She´s the 12-year old girl that we´ve been teaching who is best friends with Emília, a young woman in the branch. By the way, Luíza came to church for the first time yesterday! But the Young Women´s class was canceled for a meeting with the whole branch about the open house invitations.....not exactly the most exciting meeting. I think she was tired after the first hour and told us that she had to leave :( Oh well....I´m sure she´ll visit again to see that it´s not usually like that! We´re planning a Ward Talent Show because she really loves singing and really really loves performing. It will be a good way for her to really get to know the rest of the youth in the ward. This last week we went to visit Luiza and found her 17 year old brother, Ezekiel, at home. He knew that we had been teaching Luíza and had a lot of questions about the Book of Mormon and the church. Ezekiel was the only one at we decided to sit in the front lawn to explain to him about the Book of Mormon and answer his questions. Luíza and Ezekial live in a neighborhood that I had always been a little nervous to visit....there are always a group of young men, covered in tattoos and piercings, that sit on the side of the road all day long. Usually we just walk by quickly without letting them call to us or make comments, which is pretty common here. But this day, as we were talking to Ezekiel on his front lawn, one by one those same young men, all his friends and cousins, came over and sat down next to us to hear the lesson. Soon we had 6 or 7 all gathered around us and hearing us bear our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the restored church of Jesus Christ...and all of them promised to read and pray to know if it was true. :D I never imagined that one day I´d be teaching all those young men that we had been scared of before! It was really great and one of those mission moments that I´m always going to remember!

Well family, I hope you´re all doing well and are very happy!
Life is great and I love you all!
Thanks for everything!
Sister Jamie Gee

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