Monday, August 15, 2011

Leaving Rio Pardo; Tutoring math

Querida Gee Family!!!
Hello!!! How are you all doing?
So...the biggest news of the day....yes, I am leaving Rio Pardo tomorrow morning and being transferred to my next (and possibly last) area. Crazy, huh? I´ve been expecting it, so it hasn´t been a huge surprise and I even got to give a quick farewell talk in sacrament meeting yesterday....but it still makes me sad to think about leaving this wonderful place that has been my home for the last 6 months. But guess what...good news too! This morning when the elders called to let us know about the transfer they said that, yes, I was being transferred, but that I wasn´t going to go to Porto Alegre tomorrow morning with the rest of the missionaries. Do you know what that means?? I´m staying close to Rio Pardo!! I´m guessing either Santa Cruz or Venâncio Aires. :D And do you know what else that means?! I´ll for sure be able to see a lot of the members from Rio Pardo once in a while still! Actually, if I stay in the district, I´ll get to see them all in just a few months because District Conference is scheduled in November!! That made me super happy and it has been making the goodbyes today a lot easier....

Speaking of goodbyes, we have a lot of people I still want to visit before tomorrow morning, so this is going to be a quick email and a short P-day. But let me tell you quickly about some of the wonderful things that happened this week. This was a fast and wonderful week....Carlos invited us over for Family Night with his family and surprised us with an amazing churrasco!! Afterwards we sang together "As Famílias Poderão Ser Eternas"....the whole family was there together squished together on the sofas in their family room and I just felt so much love and completely happy. I´m pretty sure that that night will always be one of my favorite memories with that wonderful family!

Sílvia and Erialdo also surprised me with a little goodbye party and Sílvia even gave me the cuia that she always uses so that I can drink chimarrão at home! Complete with an Internacional (my favorite Brazilian soccer team) bomba. I loved it! They are such amazing people and I am going to miss them so much.... Erialdo is really liking the Book of Mormon and still reading a lot...though I think the whole Nephi killing Laban thing threw him off a little :) haha...he is so funny. Yesterday we talked about eternal families and we gave them a copy of the Proclamation to the World. They really liked it a lot and asked a lot of questions about the temple and sealings... I really am going to miss teaching this family! Sister Grant and I made them an apple pie (that´s what everyone thinks of hear when they think about the United States) to say goodbye and to thank them for always receiving us so well in their home. They really treat us like we are part of the family! It is amazing how much love they have.....

Oh, and guess what else we got to do this week? Rosângela, an investigator we´ve been teaching for a while, had a really important test this week that she had to pass to keep her job as a hospital nurse and she was really really nervous about the math Sister Grant and I tutored her for a couple hours on Friday afternoon! It was super fun and she seemed a lot more confidant and happy afterwards....but it made me scared!! I´m not sure I´m ready to go back to BYU math classes again!! :S Oh well, at least I still have 4 more months to enjoy the mission before I have to worry about that again. Oh! and the best part....when we were leaving Rosângela asked us what part of the Book of Mormon we recommended her to read before going in to the test. She told us that she always feels more at peace after reading and was planning on reading right before her test so that she would be sure to feel calm and have a clear mind. That made me happy to hear that she already has that testimony of the Book of Mormon! It really is amazing the power that the Book of Mormon immediately invites the spirit! In whatever situation!

Well family....remember that I love you so much! Who knows where I will be tomorrow?? I´m sad to leave Rio Pardo...but I have no doubt that it is the Lord´s will and that good things are ahead. He loves us so much and guides us every day of our lives. I love being a missionary!
Gotta run...last family night here in Rio Pardo is going to be with Jorge and Ediméia´s family....we´re going to make American pancakes with real maple syrup!
I love you all! So much!!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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