Hello Gee Family!
Another wonderful and fast week in Rio Pardo....that ended early this morning with a phone call from the LZ´s about the new transfer! Just as we expected, Sister Corrêa is going to be transferred.... :( I am still not getting used to the goodbyes that are so frequent on the mission... I really loved being companions with Sister Correa these last 3 months! I learned so much from her quiet, gentle and loving personality. She is the most patient and positive person that I know...and I know that a lot of the miracles that we saw together here in Rio Pardo these last 2 transfers happened because of her faith and confidence in the Lord. I love her so much!!! I am suuuuper happy that I get to stay in Rio Pardo!! There are so many people that preparing for baptism right now...Antônia and Elias, Elizângela and Róges, Shirley, Eliandra....not to mention the new and wonderful people that we are finding each day!
Sister Corrêa and I were going around to the homes of the members so she could say goodbye...and at the home of Presidente Rogério we received another huge shock! Presidente Rogério and his family are moving to Vera Cruz at the end of the month and, as of thisnext Sunday, he will no longer be the branch president here in Rio Pardo. !!!! I can´t believe it...he didn´t even tell anyone that his family was thinking about moving! Presidente Rogério has been the greatest help and support of the missionary work here! I have never had a bishop that helps and sacrifices and devotes so much time and shows so much love for us missionaries...
So...next transfer here in Rio Pardo will be no Sister Corrêa and no Presidente Rogerio!! :S
But the biggest surprise came right now!! About 5 minutes ago....when I opened my email and saw this email from Presidente Pavan....
Sister Gee, Parabéns!
Você está sendo chamado para ser uma Treinadora. Uma das maiores expressões de confiança que posso fazer a uma missionária é designá-lo como treinadora de um nova missionária.
Sua influência será profunda e duradoura no desenvolvimento de atitudes e nos hábitos do novo missionário. Portanto, sua responsabilidade será muito grande perante ele e perante o Senhor. Você deverá se comprometer a dar o melhor exemplo possível de obediência e de proselitismo eficaz, fazendo tudo ao seu alcance para ajudar a companheira a iniciar a missão de maneira digna, correta, positiva e eficaz.
Como treinadora, você deverá seguir o programa missionário diário diligentemente (ver Pregar Meu Evangelho, pg.viii) ler diariamente o Manual do Missionário com o novo companheiro e obedecer integralmente todas as regras da missão. Deverá fazer o estudo diário com o companheiro e ajudá-lo a desenvolver e melhorar as habilidades missionárias básicas discutidas em Pregar Meu Evangelho.
Oro para que o Senhor a abençoe.
Com amor,
Presidente Pavan
Sister Gee
You are being called to be a Trainer. One of the greatest expressions of trust that I can give to a missionary is to call them as a trainer of a new missionary. Your influence will be great and lasting in the development of the attitude and habits of the new missionary. Because of this, your responsibility will be very great before him and before the Lord. You will have to promise to give the best example possible of obedience and of efficient proselyting, doing everything you can to help your companion start her mission in a worthy, correct, positive and efficient way.
As a trainer, you will follow the daily missionary program dilligently, read daily from the Missionary Manuel with your new companion and completely obey all of the mission rules. You will study daily with your companion and help her develop the best basic missionary abilities found in Preach My Gospel......
I was very very surprised when I read this email....and I am feeling very nervous too! I think a new american sister is arriving tomorrow in Porto Alegre...the only sister arriving so she must be my new companion. haha....a trainer??? I don´t feel ready to be a mother!! But I remember Ryan´s stories about Elder Guapo (I forgot his name...) and the amazing stories and experiences that they had together. I know that Heavenly Father qualifies us for every responsiblity that He calls us to fulfill.
It´s interesting....yesterday we were visiting Irmão Ernesto and talking and drinking chimarrão long before we were even thinking about the new transfer. We were talking about the example of our Savior and how we need to work to become better every day of our lives. I told him my favorite quote from last year´s General Conference "In order to become who we would like to someday be...we must constantly be, moment after moment, who we would like to become!" He agreed that it is important to work diligently and obediently in order to improve....but then he commented that we can´t forget that it is only the Savior that can truly change our hearts and our character. He said that if we try over and over again to change ourselves, we will only find failure and frustration. We have to remember to let Jesus Christ change us and to sincerely plead for him to transform our hearts and help us to change....
I didn´t think much about the conversation then...but ever since I receive Presidente Pavan´s email it has been playing over and over again in my mind. It is so true! Heavenly Father will help us be exactly who He needs us to be....but we have to be obedient and humble...then ask and trust in Him :)
Another transfer! I love Rio Pardo and I love being a missionary and I love my Savior Jesus Christ! I know that He lives and that He loves us! This is His work....and it is a work of joy!!! :)
Love, Sister Jamie Gee