Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Um Dia na Vida de um Missionário

Oí Família!!!!

Como estão vocês?? This week was wonderful!! Really a week of miracles. Sister Corrêa and I are seeing His hand in this work every single day!

On Saturday Sister Corrêa and I planned an activity with the youth in the branch. We called it "Um Dia na Vida de um Missionário" (A day in the life of a missionary) and handed out mission calls to all of the young men and young woman, inviting them to be missionaries for the day. We decorated the chapel like the MTC and assigned companions for each one of them when they arrived. We explained to them a normal day in the life of a missionary...our schedule and rules. Then we talked to them about how they can share the gospel and practiced 2 minute street contacts.....different things that they can use to talk to people about the gospel....and then we sent them out on the streets with their companion and a empty paper to write names and addresses of people that they were found that were interested in hearing more. haha...they walked out of the chapel a little hesitant and timid, but returned full of energy and smiles and stories of all the people that they had met and talked to about the church! Most of them have already asked to go with us to teach the people that they contacted on the street. It was super fun and so great to see them catching the fire and joy of missionary work! :)

This really is a wonderful wonderful area to be a missionary....and the biggest reason is because of the members. I am so amazed at how loving and giving the members are here....to us and also to each other! It feels like one big united family. There is not a single night during the week that a family in the ward plans a dinner or a family night and invites other families and friends and the missionaries to participate. It really makes a HUGE difference, both in the members and especially in the people who are starting to investigate the church. Sunday night was Cuca night with Jorge and Edimeia and on Friday night, Feijão and Daniel made fish stew.....it is amazing here! :)

Kátia and Carlos and family are still doing wonderfully! Praying and reading the Book of Mormon every night as a family...it´s amazing the difference it has made in their home and their family :) Carlos, Eduardo and Diogo are going to be baptized this Saturday and they are very excited!! At first we had hoped that the entire family would be able to be baptized together...but Kátia has been struggling a little bit giving up smoking this week and she told us that she would like more time to really feel prepared and ready to be baptized. I was sad at first when I heard, but after thinking about it I realized it would be a good thing. Kátia has made AMAZING progress...and in very little time! She told us that she has almost completely stopped smoking, and just relapsed a few times when she felt stressed or upset about something. She really is learning to trust in the Lord and has a strong testimony that He hears and answers prayers. But she wants to be sure that when she is baptized she is 100% ready to make promises to the Lord and start a new life. So this Saturday it will be and a few weeks later Kátia and her two other sons, Marion and Cássio, that also wanted to wait to be baptized with her. Maybe Carlos will be able to receive the priesthood before then and baptize them himself! :) I looooove this family!

The lanhouse is closing so I have to run.....

I love you all!!! Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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