Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tudo Bem em Montenegro!

Another week in Brasil! It was a very good week for me...I really love being here and I love the people we are teaching! It´s such a nice, peaceful town and the families are so strong and loving...definitely a great place to be a missionary :)

Sister Gibson and I left on Wednesday and Thursday to go to Porto Alegre for some training. Well, She went for some training (for all district leaders, zone leaders, and trainers...at the President´s house) and I went to Bom Sucesso to work with 3 other sisters there for the 2 days. It was so great!! I really felt like I was the one that received the training! Sister Osborn and Sister Mota are the companionship that work there and I have never met missionaries that work and teach together with so much unity and love. And it was amazing to me how powerful their lessons were....the minute they started teaching, you could feel the Spirit flood into the room. It really inspired me to try to teach more with the Spirit...to always be filled with love and charity so that I can be worthy to have the Spirit. I hope someday I can be companions with one of them...probably not likely with Sister Osborn because she is leaving in December (and going to BYU-Idaho! Look for her Melissa) But Sister Mota has only been here 6 months!! But anyways it was a great "training" and I think Sister Gibson liked hers too. I was sad to leave after just 2 days....but also excited to get back to the people we are teaching here!

We have some great investigators right now....I am most excited for a young man, Alex, who is so humble and sweet and good and really seems to be sincerely searching for the truth. He is reading the Book of Mormon and always has great questions whenever we stop by. We´ve invited him to come to church for the last two weeks...but he seems very shy and nervous about coming, especially since he doesn´t have a white shirt and tie :) We´re going to try really hard to get him to come this Sunday!

Speaking of Sundays...I got to speak in sacrament meeting this last week! haha...the Bishop came up to me 10 minutes before and told me that the person assigned to give the talk was sick and they needed a replacement. I was so nervous! I spoke about missionary work and the members´ role in helping the missionaries find and teach and provide support for the investigators. I think it went well...and the members said that they could undertand the majority of what I said :) Haha...I thought I could speak Portuguese so well in the MTC! And then I come here and try to talk....and people just look at me blankly and then look over at Sister Gibson to interpret. :) I don´t understand! She repeats the Exact same words that I said...and people actually understand her! Oh well....I hope my accent gets better with time...right now everyone we meet says that I sound like a Venezuelan! I guess that would make sense...I probably am speaking Portuguese with a very heavy Spanish accent :)

Remember that I love you and that Heavenly Father loves you! Read the Book of Mormon...that book has so much power. I am gaining a very strong testimony of that on my mission. I know that it was written by prophets by the Spirit, and that Every time we read, it will bring the Spirit. When you want to talk to Heavenly Father, pray to Him....and when you want Him to answer your prayers, read the Book of Mormon :)
Have a good week!!
Love, Sister Jamie Gee

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