Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Conference with an Apostle - Elder Cristofferson; Standing in Holy Places

Hello dear family!! How are you all doing?

This week was SUCH AN AMAZING WEEK! And like all amazing weeks, it flew by super fast! Friday night, Sister Corrêa and I packed our bags for a "pajama night" with the sisters in Santa Cruz and Venâncio Aires, the two neighboring cities. It was very fun, but hard to sleep with all the excitement and last minute preparation for the trip. Early Saturday morning, all 6 of us were cramped in the tiny apartments one little bathroom to help each other get ready for the conference. We traveled with 4 other elders from Santa Cruz and Lajeado in a huge 12 passenger van...it reminded me of Gee family trips :) 3 hours and 100 hymns later we arrived at the chapel in Porto Alegre! What an amazing conference! Our district arrived early to rehearse a special musical number, "Grandioso Ès Tu" with the choir. Sister Cristofferson spoke first about a story from the bible in 2 Kings. She talked about preparation and how God is willing to give us as many blessings and miracles that we are prepared to receive. Then Elder Cristofferson spoke about our calling and how sacred and wonderful this time is that we have to serve full time in the Lord´s work to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". The rest of the hour he used to hear and answer questions...it was very inspired and exactly what I needed to hear. There was such a wonderful and strong spirit in the room...especially in the end when he bore testimony of the Savior and the love that He has for us. I can´t forget the power and love in his voice and in his eyes when he shook my hand. I´m really grateful that I had the chance to hear from an apostle of the Lord and I feel so motivated to change and improve and use these last 8 months in Brazil to work with more diligence and faith in the Lord.

After the conference we had about 10 minutes to talk and socialize (I saw Sister Caitlin Christensen who is serving in the Brazil Porto Alegre Sul mission! It was crazy!.....and Sister Oliveira and Sister Inhuma...so much fun!) and then we were back in the van for the 3 hour drive to Santa Cruz. Early Saturday morning, Sister Corrêa and I ran back to Rio Pardo with the Elders for the interviews and baptisms of Berenice, Vivian and Luan. It was also Vivian´s 10th birthday, so we stopped to buy a chocolate cake on the way :) What a beautiful baptism! I don´t know if it was because I was still on a spiritual high from hearing from an apostle of the Lord, but it seemed like the Spirit was even more strong during this baptism than any other that I have seen on my mission. Especially when I was talking to Berenice afterwards...she gave me a big hug and told me that she had never felt so light and happy in her entire life :) I couldn´t stop smiling the whole day...wow, there is no greater joy in the world than being a missionary!!

Sunday was District Conference here in Rio Pardo. I assumed that meant that the district president and other leaders would speak to us, but when we arrived the television was set up in the front of the chapel for a special conference broadcasted from Salt Lake City. Elder Holland and President Monson both spoke about standing in holy places (making our home a sacred place where the Spirit can always be) and about rescuing the lost sheep (members helping with missionary work and bringing back the inactive members) . It was an amazing conference and I learned so much. Wow...talk about a motivating week! Hearing from 2 apostles and the prophet...we are so blessed! And Sister Corrêa and I are ready and excited for an amazing last 3 weeks of the transfer.

I love you all!! I´m excited to talk to you all next Sunday!! LOVE YOU!
Sister Jamie Gee

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