Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dia de Independencia!

Hola querida família!
Another wonderful week here in Montenegro, Brazil! Sorry I didn´t write yesterday...every internet house was closed because September 7th is Brazil´s Independence Day! :) Sister Gibson and I are teaching some wonderful people right now....I really love them. This week was a veeeery cold one rained every day, all week long. I had to re-wash all of my clothes yesterday that I had washed the week before...because they molded instead of drying :) It´s sunny and beautiful today though!

Alex is really making great progress! He came to church last Sunday (we borrowed a white shirt and tie for him to wear from another member) and really enjoyed it....He even told us afterwards that he was just about to get up and bear his testimony, when the Bishop got up to end the meeting! Oh, and then he called us on Monday and asked us if we could come over that night for a few minutes because he had a "surprise" for us. haha, Sister Gibson and I were very after our last appointment of the night we went over to his house...and he pulled out a pair of calças socias (slacks) that he had bought to wear to church from now on!´s amazing to me how prepared some people are to receive the gospel... I´m very excited for him

Simone also came to church this Sunday! Simone and Adelar are the parents of Felipe and Priscila....and they are a great family that we´re teaching right now! Simone came alone....because Adelar and Felipe had work and Priscila had to stay home with their grandma...but she said she really liked it and that she wants to come again. This Sunday we have Stake Conference in São Leopoldo....which makes it a little difficult for our investigators to come...but hopefully we can get the whole family to come sometime.

Yesterday was especially fun....Dia de Independencia for Brazil! I was very glad that it happened to be on our P-day so that we could celebrate too :) Sister Gibson and I went to watch the desfila (parade) with Simone and Adelar and there family in the morning and then we went to a less-active member´s home for lunch and to learn how to make banana! Nuri is 75 years old and has a very strong testimony about the gospel...but I think something happened with some other members years ago that left her very bitter with the church. She is so sweet with us missionaries though....always wanting to feed us and have us visit. She is pretty much our "grandma" here in Montenegro :) Oh, and Nuri is from Uruguay so it´s really fun to practice speaking spanish with her! It is hard to switch back and forth from Portuguese to Spanish! It really makes your brain work....haha

We finished the day with a Noite Familiar (Family Night!) with Alex and Rita and their family. It was so fun...we thought we would just be having a lesson and games, but they surprised us with a churrasco!! My first churrasco in Rio Grande do Sul.....and it was just as good as everyone had said :) Mmmmm....carne de galhina, linguiça, carne de vaca, coração de was great. I took some pictures that I was hoping to send today...but I left my cable back in the apartment.. I´ll remember next week though, so expect some great pictures of a real Gauchan churrasco!!

As I am writing this email I can hear Chicago playing in the streets..."I am the man who will fight for your honor....I´ll be the hero you´re dreaming of!!"´s reminding me a lot of you Dad and Ryan! :)

I love you all very much, my dear and wonderful family. Thank you so much for your prayers and emails and love....I miss you all, but I´m very happy to be serving the Lord here in Brazil. He loves us so much and He always always answers our prayers :) I know that is true.
Have a good week and be happy!
Sister Jamie Gee

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